How Do You Edit Your Photos / What Camera Do You Use?
I have an entire blog post on this, which you can read here. Short answer - I primarily use a Canon 6D Mark II with a 1.4 35mm lens and my I phone for most Instagram stories. Editing totally depends on what the subject is. For my blog I use Lightroom and create my own presets and for Instagram I do quick edits in the VSCO app - mostly adjust the brightness, contrast and warmth.
What Inspires You?
I have always been incredibly inspired by nature. Growing up in Northern California, I spent so much of my youth outdoors and I think that really shaped me as a person. I prefer interiors that have an ease about them and I think that comes from not wanting anything to be too precious. I also LOVE traveling, music and movies and constantly find myself pulling from them when creating. For less abstract inspiration, I can go down a real Tumblr & Pinterest hole!
How Do you Work With Brands?
At the start of my blog if I was interested in working with a brand I love, I approached them. I would try and find a PR email on a company website and just reach out directly, never on Instagram always with a nicely worded email. The worst they can say is no and then you have a point of contact to circle back with as you grow your brand. Now it is all very organic and I have mostly worked with the same few brands I truly love over the last couple of years.
I am interested in transitioning my career into Interior Design.
Do I need a degree?
I can only speak from my personal experience, but I don't think in todays world you need a degree to pursue your passion. I also have a blog post on this where I share much more insight.