Material Investments

In the world of social media it feels like we are all so inundated on a daily basis with items we should buy or pieces we can’t live without. I love shopping and getting new things as much as the next person, but there were some pricier items I definitely wish I had avoided and some that were completely worth the investment. I still go through my closet and wonder why I ever spent a chunk of money on clothes that were clearly an impulse buy. Now before I buy anything expensive, particularly when it comes to my wardrobe I ask myself is this classic? Will the quality stand up for years to come?

My big splurge last year was the Gucci Brixton loafers I wear about 3x a week if not more. I had my eye on them for a long time and despite the hefty price tag I knew I would have them forever. I am the queen of buying cheap shoes that end up hurting my feet so I throw them away after about 3 months. The Gucci loafers were a lot of money to pay up front, but the quality of the shoes and the comfort far surpass any other pair I’ve owned. Here is a short list of the other items I believe in spending some money on. My mom still has a beautiful long black pea coat she got in her twenties, so this year I am on the hunt for a classic camel coat I will have for decades.

Invest Wardrobe Staples 

Classic Pair of Flats 

Classic Pair of Heels 

Fitted Leather Jacket (I’ve had this for 10 years)

Tailored Coat 

Structured Handbag

Versatile Dress (can be worn to events such as weddings, etc.)

One Cashmere Sweater

Fitted Denim


Pieces I would Go Cheaper On 

Pieces I definitely regret spending money on are anything trendy. I will see something on Instagram or Pinterest and totally disregard that ongoing list in my head of classic wardrobe staples I am hoping to invest in. I tell myself something will look cute in photos and I don’t think of how and if I would actually use it on a daily basis. Sweaters are also a big one for me. I live in sweaters and a lot of mine can pill easily, but I have found even incredibly nice sweaters don’t always stand up. I think investing in one gorgeous cashmere sweater is a great start and then I buy cheaper Zara sweaters that might not last more than two seasons.

Trendy Items (Zara, Mango, &other Stories are great for these pieces)


T shirts (I don’t care if its $9 or $90 – I am a human and I sweat and they never look good after multiple washes)

A coat you know you won’t have forever


  1. Shelby says:

    I love this post. I have this battle in my head with fast fashion all of the time and have also started purchasing investment pieces. It’s so easy to be influenced by pieces you think you need thanks to Instagram and other social media platforms. I’m trying to be more conscious of this. More posts like this!

    • Chrissy McDonald says:

      Thank you Shelby! I am definitely in the same boat, but I always feel better when I save up for something well made where as fast fashion isn’t as exciting as it once was.

      Definitely more posts like this to come!

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