A Friday Note

Happy Friday! I feel like even working for myself the weekends never feel long enough, so on Fridays I try and get as much done as possible to leave the week behind. I like to take some time to clean up my physical space and organize work items for next week all in an attempt to savor more weekend moments and slow down. I have been a bit all over the place since this year started, which is never how I like to begin a new year, but life happens and sometimes busyness can derail the best laid plans – which is not always bad. However, I realized that I have let some things I truly used to look forward to fall by the wayside, like posting on here with any sort of consistency.

I spoke about this briefly in my last Instagram Q&A, but over the past few years I have found social media (mainly Instagram because that is all I use) to move at warp speed and oftentimes feels like I can’t keep up. There is so much new happening daily and as someone who craves a slower pace in general it can feel a bit overwhelming and like I am constantly behind. That is why I have always loved this space, as antiquated as it might be in the days of Substack and blogs becoming extinct. I love sharing my favorite things and getting to engage with all of you. I am reminded too that not everyone uses social media anymore, so I like to also post on this space for easy reference. I hope to create a lot more in the coming months and in the meantime, I wanted to share some updates.

Hj Home Shop Drop. I finally added some new, beautiful pieces to the Harlowe James Home Shop which I will be updating more frequently after a bit of a winter hiatus. Vase pictured above.

Want To Work Together? I am also taking on a few more design projects for spring/summer, so if you need help with your space and are interested in working together you can fill out the contact form here or email me directly.

Directly In Your Inbox. I am also going to bring back my newsletter potentially 2x per month as I loved putting those together. This is where I share shop updates and some additional information that doesn’t make it into blog posts or on Instagram. If you are not subscribed and would like to be, you can do so here.

Recent Purchase. You know I love sharing recent purchases that actually hold up in IRL, so I had to share these Mary Jane flats which are currently 25% off. I actually had to exchange them for a half size down because I always fluctuate between a 7.5/8 and thought they were just a bit too big. They are so cute and so far, comfortable!

I had also been on the hunt for a new shower curtain as ours always look pretty ratty after about two years. Because of the shape of our tub/curtain rod we need two shower curtains, so I am always looking for something under $100 each. I love the linen look and found these on Quince which are a great price!

As always I want to thank you for being apart of this space and supporting all of my different endeavors whether it be through design, the shop, shopping from my blog. It is never lost on me that I get to do what I love as a job and I feel so grateful for how kind you all are. I know socials and the world in general these days can feel like it goes nonstop, so my goal is always to create a space that feels calming and happy. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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