Dreaming of Houses

The topic of houses is a big one around here. Likely because I don’t actually live in one, so I am constantly dreaming of what our future home might look like. I often get asked to share inspiration for my dream home and to give more insight into how I would approach my home opposed to my apartment. Since we are still in our apartment and will be for a while – it’s hard to say, but we all know I have piles of inspiration and an idea of what I would love in mind.

First, I don’t see myself moving into a new home. It has always been my dream to buy an older fixer upper and curtail the design to what we really want. I crave character. Our apartment now is from the early forties and my house in Savannah was pre Civil War. Of course older homes come with a slew of problems, but nuanced details and charm are so hard to replicate. I also get asked what type of architecture or style I am drawn to which is so hard for me to answer because it is just about everything. From Spanish to Colonial – they all hit a soft spot for me. I have always said I wanted a historic farmhouse someday, but if we stay in California – those are a little harder to come by. Again we are not buying a house anytime soon, but it is fun to dream!

Expanding On Layers


Layering is the key to any good space and when we have more room to play with I am looking forward to introducing new colors and textures. I was just talking to my best friend about this yesterday. You don’t need a big home to be able to play with color, but because our apartment is so small – keeping it neutral keeps me sane. I think people assume I have a total aversion to color and patterns, but I don’t at all! I have tried in our apartment and it really just ends up looking busy and cluttered, so I am sticking with neutrals for the time being.

A Collected Space

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Your home should be a collection of pieces that inspire you. Pieces you have acquired over years from travel, passed down from family members, layers that tell a story. For me that is what makes a house a home and creates that depth. I love the idea of being able to really showcase vintage art, stacks of collected coffee table books, various ceramics and larger pieces of furniture that make a statement. At the top of my list – a 19th Century Swedish wood cabinet.

A Proper Kitchen

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One aspect of our apartment that drives me a little crazy is our kitchen. I don’t need something massive, but our narrow galley kitchen makes it hard for two people to cook at the same time. We also don’t even have a regular sized refrigerator or oven which causes its own set of challenges. I love cooking and the kitchen is one of my favorite rooms, so having a space to really hangout in would be incredible. I also dream about a fireplace in the kitchen far more than one should.

Outdoor Space

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Having a backyard to enjoy al fresco summer dinners sounds like a dream. I have always been drawn to European style landscaping with crushed gravel, potted citrus and olive trees. Again, small details always make such a big difference so even with a tiny space, the right landscaping can make a huge impact!

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  1. Ronja says:

    A very inspiring post Chrissy😊 Thank you!

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